Sunday, January 11, 2015


This blog is not for you. It is for me. If I make it about you, then it is inevitable that I will fail at writing consistently, because I don't know who you are, or if you are even reading this. This blog is for me. If you read it and are encouraged by it, offended by it, or appreciative of it, feel free to leave a comment. Or don't. Like I said, this isn't for you.

I have tried so many times to write a blog or a journal of some kind, and I have always, always, failed. But I have been where I am for 5 years and so much has happened, and I've grown so much, that I feel if I don't start writing down things events that have happened and how they have shaped me, I'll forget about them. So you see, this blog is really for me.

My goal is to write in it once a week. Maybe it will be something profound that I've learned or experienced, maybe it will just be a short summary of what has happened to me. Perhaps it will simply be about what I'm thinking at that particular moment. Presently, I'm thinking about my boys and how great my Christmas break was and how much I wish I was with them again right now. Possibly, if you're lucky, you may even read a joke I heard or thought of, like this one:
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
I got up.
I got up who?
The bathroom is just around the corner.
(Say it out loud if you don't get it).

I made that up myself. That one was for you, but the rest of this blog is for me.

I never thought I would be where I am. I never even considered being an athletic director. But now that I'm here, I love what I do and I want to do even more of it. My biggest goal this year is pursuing further education that is somewhat related to being an athletic director.

I plan on posting my blog posts to Facebook so that if you want to read them, you can. I'm not super great about posting things about my life on Facebook, so this can serve as a regular update for those who are interested.

Well, I think that was a pretty good start. Or restart. I actually started this blog about 5 years ago. Better late than never, right?